Dog in Wheelbarrow

Here is a young woman riding a dog home in a wheelbarrow.  You might ask, why is the dog in a wheelbarrow?  There could be several reasons.  One, perhaps it is faster than walking the dog.  Two, maybe it's nice that the dog has his own little bed that he can hang out in.

Three, what can I say?  The dog evidently likes being pulled around in a wheelbarrow.

Why?  (a) It's kind of like the car, except it's more outdoors.  And it's sort of like walking, except (b) it's faster and (c) the dog is in a less opportune situation to sniff everything he encounters.  These are all reasons why there was a dog in a wheelbarrow, being carted around by a young lady riding a bicycle.

Other factors also worth considering:  why is she on the sidewalk?  One might argue that if you had to choose between being in the path of vehicles, or in a safer space where there are no people walking, that the better choice, at that exact moment, would be to choose the sidewalk.

That pretty much explains it.  Freedom; it's a wonderful thing.  It makes life interesting and keeps you guessing what nonsensical thing you might see next.

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