Ceschi's Campaign Ends at 350%

Ceschi's campaign ends with 300% Funding.  For those of you not familiar with the Fake Four record label, you should be more aware.  Its founder was arrested and hit with trafficking and possession charges for marijuana.

His experience in the legal system and now in the prison system has been well-documented by his brother David, who is a graduate of Wesleyan and a contemporary of the groups MGMT and Child Actor.

David has been writing extensively on the experience of dealing with a relative incarcerated in Connecticut. He writes about the beoureaocracy (the word itself is nearly impossible to spell), and the anomalous experienes and the ways in which the system is designed to perform insufficiently of rehabilitating people who have been sentenced, even of benefitting society.

You can read the writings of David [here].

I think that this is a good example of the community banding together and grouping for a worthy cause.
1000+ people willing to throw down; they say thanks.