Maybe with more context and better photos this would be a neater feature, but this is what could be gathered from another interesting weekend in New Haven filled with local bands and live performances.
At Cafe Nine on Friday night, everything was mad blurry but it sounded really good.
At BAR on Sunday, there were bands. Sundagger and Fake Babies Headlined. People danced.
In particular there were girls dancing with hula hoops. People watched. Bands played later.
Stay tuned for more info and better context! Learn about the local music scene! It's actually kind of fun to go see bands with your friends. You should give it a try next weekend. You can refer to the calendar within this website and cross reference it with the links to local artists on the same page, and find out if you like their sound. What are the odds that you'll find a local band you'd enjoy? Chances are more likely than you think.